Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4 Things!!!

4 TV Shows I Watch
1. Chuck
2. Greek
4. Smallville

4 Things I'm Passionate About
1. Art
2. Books
3. Friends
4. Family

4 Words/Phrases I Use All the Time
1. okokok whatever
2. lmfaoo
3. soooo, whatchoo up to?
4. yeah so?

4 Places I'd Like to Go
1. Prince Edward Island, Canada
2. Ireland
3. Seychelles
4. Greece

4 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Learned some basic photoshop techniques
2. Slept in till 11am
3. Went to Barnes and Nobles with my mom
4. Started a blog for photoshop beginners

4 Things I'm Looking Forward to This Year
1. Graduating!!!
2. Summer Road Trip with my friends
3. Getting a new matress -.-
4. Senior Events

4 Things I Love About Spring
1. Easter Egg Huntss
2. Fashion
3. Weather
4. Flowers start to grow :)

4 Things On My Wishlist
1. Red, converitble VW Buggie
2. The Perfect Boyfriend
3. A job
4. Black gladiator sandals that fit just right

4 People I'm Usually With
1. Olivia
2. Kyle
3. My mom
4. Sami


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