To some people joining a sorority is like joining a cult. Some don't see the point since they are already a sister to someone. I joined Phi Mu because I wanted to meet and get to know a group of girls with ideals similar to mine, who will have my back when I need it and who give me something to look forward to each week and Phi Mu has not disappointed me thus far.
For the couple of weeks that I have been a member of Phi Mu Theta Gamma I have learned so much about some of these girls and gotten to be very close to a few. And I've felt accepted and wanted and sometimes even needed. Being in a sorority is more than just being a clique. It's about learning how to make your own family, because I do believe that you can make your own family.
Being in a sorority has made me involved in ways that I never knew was possible. I am going to be dancing in a homecoming performance! And I will be participating in community service activities on campus. Its gotten me to be more social with other people. And I haven't found it hard at all to make new friends. And it has taught me to be a leader. For once in my life I ran for a position on a council. I am one of the proud historians of the pledge class of 2010! I know it isn't president or anything but it puts me out there. And I am proud of my position.
The point is there is more to being a sister than partying it up, getting good grades and making connections. In just a couple of weeks, I've made friends that I know will be for life, that help me when I am in need.
Sisterhood is about being able to be yourself with your sisters and them loving you for exactly that person that you are, no matter how wacky, nerdy, or high strung that person might be. Sisterhood is believing that your sisters can do things that they have never done before because they are willing to try and get up there when no one else was. Sisterhood is about family, trust, love and loyalty.
As a sister I can not talk about certain things because they are sacred and secret and I have made a promise and a bond to my sisters that I refuse to break, but just no this:
Being a Phi Mu, even just a provisional member, has made me the happiest I have been in a long time and I wouldn't trade my bid or my decision to rush for any other. I know I have made ht right choice and that great experiences, life lessons and family are about to come my way.
Truth, Honor, Love. Phi Mu
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